Program Guidelines


  1. You will be restricted for the first 30 days (which includes no visitors, no phone calls and no leaving the property), except to keep appointments for scheduled substance abuse treatment, psychiatric services, medical services, probation, Court, Drug Court, TASC, Carolina Outreach, and AA/NA meetings.
  2. The home is supervised 24-hours per day/365 days per year.
  3. You must attend House Meetings held once a week following the completion of evening chores.
  4. You are required to provide a urine sample when asked to do so, which will be observed by a staff member. You will be immediately discharged if your urine tests positive for any drug (including alcohol) that is not prescribed by a physician.  You will be discharged if you refuse to provide a urine sample or if you are caught with alcohol or other drugs.
  5. If you are caught fraternizing with any of the men/women in the house or any person in outpatient treatment and or AA/NA/DAA meetings you will be discharged from the program.
  6. Discharge will take place if any of the following occurs NO EXCEPTIONS: Leaving the VA Medical Center, Carolina Outreach, Cape Fear Valley Hospital, Thrift Store or any facility you are dropped off at without prior staff approval, You ARE NOT allowed to cross the street go to the store when attending Carolina Outreach breaking any laws, physical altercations or deliberate damages to property, caught with a weapon of any kind or staying out overnight except for weekend passes.
  7. You are prohibited from having any type of pornography. This includes magazines, tapes, CDs, DVDs, Polaroids, etc. There are no exceptions. You must get prior staff approval before you bring in any type of electronic device, and it cannot have Wi-Fi access. MRFH is not responsible for any lost or stolen property.
  8. You are NOT permitted to have a motor vehicle on the property while residing at the Myrover-Reese Fellowship Homes. After 90 days If resident is done with IOP and abiding by all rules and has made progress in the 12-Steps and has a Full-Time job, License, Insurance, Tags etc. Resident may be allowed to have a vehicle on property for transportation to and from work. (WILL BE DETERMINED ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS)
  9. You will be subject to disciplinary action or possible discharge by house staff or administration staff at any time for negative attitudes and behavior, verbal altercations, or confrontational behavior. Cursing, foul language or dirty jokes, Intimidation are not permitted, and you will be subject to disciplinary action if you violate this rule.
  10. Smoking is allowed in the outside designated smoking areas. Smoking is NOT allowed inside any MRFH buildings or vehicles. You must extinguish cigarette butts in butt cans provided throughout the property.  DO NOT discard butts in the yard or parking lots. No candles or incense may be burned anywhere in MRFH property.  If you are caught smoking anywhere except in designated smoking areas outside, you will automatically lose your next weekend pass.
  11. Food or drinks are allowed in the dining room only. There will be no eating or drinking in the living areas such as bedrooms and living rooms. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  12. You must sign-out when leaving the grounds and sign-in when you return or be subject to disciplinary action.
  13. All medications must be turned into staff including over-the-counter medication. A staff member will administer your medication as directed by your physician.  All medication must have a doctor’s order for our staff to administer them to you including ANY AND ALL over the counter medications.  You must take your medication in the presence of a staff member. Any changes in dosage or if the doctor discontinues a medication must be accompanied by a doctor’s letter or new prescription, and you MUST notify house staff.  Anytime you have a doctor’s appointment or visit the emergency room, a doctor’s note should be taken for the physician to complete. You will be immediately discharged if you are caught with any medication (prescribed or over the counter) in your possession.
  14. The kitchen is off limits except to staff or residents assigned kitchen duty.  If you are assigned kitchen duty, a staff or other resident will show you the way that we do things.  Permission from staff must be granted prior to entering kitchen for any other reason.  A resident needing a lunch for the following day should ask a staff member after the dinner meal to prepare a lunch for the next day’s meal. Lunch should be prepared prior to bedtime.  A “resident” refrigerator is available in the dining room for personal food or drinks, food/drinks placed in this refrigerator should be marked with your initials.  CLIENTS should use only those items in the resident refrigerator marked with your initials or labeled “house”. Styrofoam containers are not allowed in the resident refrigerator. Unwrapped or open food is also not allowed.  Open soda cans are also not permitted in the resident refrigerator.
  15. You are required to clean up after yourself at all times. Push your chair back under the table when you get up. Always turn off the lights and TV in living room if you are the last person to leave a room.  Please do not let the doors slam.  Keep your feet off tables, chairs, couches, or any other furniture. If you make a mess, clean it up immediately whether it’s in your room, dining room, TV room, bathroom or wherever.  Laundry facilities are provided during the hours of 6AM – 830PM. (Quality Road closes before dark). The washer and dryer must be off during meetings, 30 minutes prior to meal times and are not allowed to be turned back on until all residents are finished with their meal. Laundry days are assigned depending upon which side of the house you reside.  (Quality Road Staff will assign days for the ladies) Staff will let you know which days are assigned to you.  Sunday is open to all residents.
  16. The bathrooms should be kept clean at all times. Clean the toilet seat and the rim if you make a mess.  Wipe the sink and faucets dry after you use them.  ALWAYS wash your hands after you use the bathroom.  ALWAYS wash your hands before and after you get your meal or snack.
  17. Please notify a staff member if you see supplies running low, such as paper towels, napkins, cleaning supplies or if a toilet is running or a light burns out. A staff member should be notified if you see anything broken.
  18. You are required to keep your room neat and clean and your bed made neatly at all times. (Except, of course when you are sleeping.) Do not put anything under or on top of your bed.  Keep the closet doors shut at all times.  Dust and vacuum when needed.  Keep your personal items that are on top of the dressers and night tables neat and orderly at all times, REARRANGING THE FURNITURE IN YOUR ROOM OR SWAPPING BED LINENS are not permitted.  Matching bedding and curtains are provided in each room along with two pillows for each bed.  Bed linens must be washed once a week.
  19. Monday-Friday breakfast is served at 6:00 am. You are responsible for getting yourself up in the morning.  You are not required to eat breakfast, but you must be present in the dining room no later than 6:00 am on weekdays.  You must attend daily morning devotion and meditation immediately following breakfast.  Lunch is served at 12:00pm Monday-Friday.  Dinner is served at 5:00 pm Monday – Friday. Saturday-Sunday mealtimes are the same times except for breakfast which is served at 7:00am.
  20. Residents are required to do daily household chores, which are assigned weekly. A duty roster is posted each week.   A staff member or other resident will show you the way we do each chore.  You will also be required to do extra chores as needed such as mowing, raking, etc.  Morning chores are to be performed immediately following morning devotion and meditation.  Evening chores are to be performed immediately after dinner.  Extra chores are to be performed when told to do so.  If you refuse to perform your assigned chores, you will be subject to disciplinary action.  A staff member inspects all completed chores.  If you have not done your chore the way it should be done, you will be asked to do it again.
  21. Monday through Friday, you must complete your morning chores, clean your room, shower and dress appropriately no later than 8:00 am. This means that at 8:00 am, whatever you are wearing is what you are planning to wear that day.  No lounging pajamas, short-shorts, halter tops, tank tops (men and women), sagging pants, tube tops or tops baring belly buttons are permitted.  No clothing is allowed that advertises any type of alcohol or other drugs. You must shower every day.  Showers are to be taken after breakfast, morning devotion and completion of morning chores. Showers are permitted after dinner and evening chores. If you do not have funds for personal items such as a tooth brush, deodorant, soap, etc. please ask a staff member.
  22. Hats and headgear are not allowed to be worn indoors. (This includes EVERYONE!) Head scarves may be worn for bed time only.
  23. A TV is provided in the living room. The TV is allowed to be used from 8:30pm-9:30pm MONDAY-FRIDAY—SATURDAY 10:00AM-10:00PM—SUNDAY 10:00AM-9:30PM providing we have no other scheduled activity. The Living room door must always be kept open! Any type of devices such as TV, iron, washer/dryer and computer must be turned off at 4:30pm.  GYM Hours TBD.
  24. Monday–Friday you are not allowed to lay down after 8:00am unless you have permission from the house manager on duty in your house and then you are only allowed to lay on top of the covers. You are NOT to be in your room after 8:00am and need to be on the floor, ready for your day. You are not allowed to sleep in the TV room, dining room, Friendship Hall or any other MRFH property AT ANY TIME.  Saturday and Sunday–You may lie down on your bed during the day as long as your assigned chores are completed and the house manager on duty approves you to be in your room
  25. We provide transportation to your appointments pertaining to your recovery program such as appointments with Carolina Outreach counselor or physician, court and probation. To be able to do this, we must know ahead of time when you have an appointment, so you need to let a staff member know as soon as you get an appointment so that we can put it on our transportation schedule.  We do not provide transportation for your personal business ex: doctor’s appointments, school, employment, or going to the bank for your income statement. (THERE WILL BE A WEEKLY TRIP TO WALMART FOR RESIDENTS, THE SCHEDULE TO BE DETERMINED BY HOUSE MANAGERS) IF RESIDENT LEAVES THE PROPERTY AND IS NOT BACK TO THE VAN ON TIME, YOU COULD BE SUBJECT TO DISCIPLINARY ACTION OR POSSIBLE DISCHARGE
  26. If you are working or if you receive any kind of income such as SSI, disability or retirement, you are required to save 75% of your income and meet with clinical staff to report your income and create a budget sheet.
  27. You must be looking for employment after 90 days of admission unless your treatment plan created with clinical staff states otherwise. Whatever job you get, you must be back on property no later than 5:00pm. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  28. After the first initial 60 days, you may be eligible for one (1) 4 hour pass per week from 1:00pm-5:00pm for approved uses with approved people such as Sponsors/Approved Volunteers/Family. This pass is for handling errands, job searches/interviews and handling personal business. Pass is not for visitation time.
    -Women’s Passes will be Mondays and Wednesdays
    -Men’s Passes will be Tuessdays and Thursdays
    (B) After the first initial 90 days, you may be eligible for one (1) day pass a month from 10:00am-8:00pm for approved uses with approved people such as Sponsors/Approved Volunteers/Family
    -Women’s Passes will be the 1st and 3rd Weekends
    -Men’s Passes will be the 2nd and 4th Weekends
    -There will be no passes if there if there is a 5th Weekend
    (C) After 120 Days residents may be eligible for (2) day passes per month from 10:00am-8:00pm
    -Women’s Passes will be on the 1st and 3rd Weekends
    – Men’s passes will be on the 2nd and 4th Weekends
    – There will be no passes if there is a 5th Weekend


    If ANY staff member of MRFH decides that your visitor is unhealthy to be around this program, EVERY MRFH staff members has the right to revoke your visitation/Pass and prohibit the visitor from our property.
  29. On Sunday, 8:00 am-12:00pm or 10:00am-2:00pm you may attend a religious service of your choice. You must provide your own transportation by a sponsor or family member. You MUST provide a church bulletin when you return. After 30 days, you must have an AA or NA or DAA Sponsor.  After 150 days, if you have worked steps are completed w/progress on the 9th step, current with your sponsor, signed meeting sheets and no write-ups, you may be eligible for (1)  weekend pass per month. The 1st and 3rd weekends are pass weekend for females and the 2nd and 4th weekends are pass weekend for the males.  NO passes will be given on the 5th weekend of month. Weekend passes begin at 10:00 am on Saturday after completion of 2-hour chores. Residents must return NO LATER THAN 8:00 pm Sunday. House and clinical staff have the right to deny a weekend pass. THERE WILL BE NO WEEKEND PASSES ON HOLIDAY WEEKENDS.
  30. Extra chores are assigned on Saturday mornings whether it is a weekend pass or not. You must complete your extra chore before you can go on weekend pass.
  32. Sunday-Thursday: Prepare for bed at 9:30 pm.  All Lights, TV, phone, and radios must be turned off at 9:45 pm. Fridays, Saturdays, and Holidays:  Lights, TV, phone, and radios must be turned off at 10:45 pm and lights out at 11:00 p.m. The only person permitted to open exit doors after they are locked is staff. No resident is to go outside for ANY reason once doors are locked or before doors are unlocked in the morning. Residents who are assigned morning kitchen duty must get up an hour before breakfast is served. Residents are allowed to go out and smoke 15 minutes before beginning breakfast, please make sure house staff on duty is aware you will be stepping outside to smoke.
  33. NO Cell phones will be permitted on grounds unless you have a job AND you have received prior permission from house manager on duty!!! You must turn in your cell phone AS SOON AS you return to this campus. If you are caught with a cell phone without permission of staff, or after hours that are allowed for cell phones, you will lose your next weekend pass or face possible discharge. NO EXCEPTIONS. Residents are not allowed to use another’s cell phone for ANY reason.
  34. You may use the house phone after the initial 30 days. You may not receive phone calls on the office phone.  Give the house phone number to people you want to call you.  Time limit for each phone call is 10 minutes.  No back-to-back phone calls are permitted.  You must wait a minimum of 30 minutes between calls.  A call back call is considered two phone calls.  Residents are permitted to make 4 phone calls per day.  Do not abuse this privilege. 
  35. After the initial 30 days, you are permitted to have visitors.
    -VISITATION WILL NOT INTERFERE with scheduled activities, including completion of chores, meals, AA/NA/DAA meetings, house meetings, and participation in substance abuse treatment.
    You cannot walk to your visitor’s vehicle at any time. Your visitor must come into the home and sign into the visitation book first!   
    Visitation is NOT allowed in the TV room, bedrooms or any vehicles (this includes walking to meet visitors at their vehicle or walking them to their vehicle)
    – Visitation is only allowed in the dining room or outside on the front porch or at the picnic table.  You are only allowed visitors of the opposite sex if they are a relative, spouse or long-time boyfriend/girlfriend who was listed on your application upon admission into our program.
    MRFH DOES NOT SUPPORT prison relationships and you ARE NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME to write letters or accept/receive ANY phone calls from anyone in prison! Remember you signed a contract with MRFH about your relationship status on your original screening/application form, and it was THOUROUGHLY discussed with you by the clinician who performed your interview! Any other deviations on this policy must have prior approval from the Clinical Director. Staff discretion will be used to determine whether your visitor is appropriate to visit you while in our program.
    -If ANY staff member of MRFH decides that your visitor is unhealthy to be around this program, EVERY MRFH staff members has the right to revoke your visitation/ass and prohibit the visitor from our property. Known drug users, drug dealers, or past associates are not to be on MRFH property and staff has the right to prohibit them from being on this property at all times.
    -Visitors are required to sign in upon arrival and state the name of the resident they are here to see and sign out when they leave. You are responsible for your visitor and asking them to leave when visitation is over.
    -Making-out or other inappropriate behavior is not allowed and could result in your visitor being asked to leave and not allowed back on the premises.
    All visitors are required to adhere to the same rules as the residents. Visitors will be asked to leave and will not be permitted back on the premises if they are disruptive, arrive during non-visiting hours or if they are using alcohol or other drugs. No one is allowed to stand at the end of the driveway and wait for a ride or talk on cell phones! Your rides MUST pick you up from the house that you stay at, NO EXCEPTIONS!!
    Your children cannot be dropped off by themselves for you to watch unless prior approval from clinical staff!

    Please remember that we are always here to keep you and all other residents safe.


    Visitation Hours are as follows:Holidays (Men & Women) 1:00pm-5:00pm for visitors

    Tuesday 6:00 pm–9:00pm SPONSOR may visit and do step work/take you to an outside meeting

    Thursday 6:00pm-9:00pm SPONSOR may visit and do step work/take you to an outside meeting

    Saturday 1:00pm – 5:00pm SPONSOR may visit and do step work

    Sunday 1:00 pm-5:00 pm You may have visitor but one hour needs to be set aside for your sponsor at the beginning of visitation or the end if you do not meet with them on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday.

  36. You may visit with your AA/NA/DAA sponsor in the Friendship Hall (for men) with prior approval if it does not disrupt any program activities. You must notify staff that you are in the Friendship Hall with your sponsor. Women’s house will be approved to meet with their sponsor’s in the areas approved by the house manager on duty.
  37. Any resident failing to comply with the Rules of the Homes will be disciplined as follows:

1st Offense:      Written warning and counseling

2nd Offense      Written warning, counseling and loss of 4-hour pass

3rd Offense      Written warning, counseling and loss of two 4-hour passes

4th Offense:     Written warning, counseling and loss of week-end pass

5th Offense:     Possible termination.

Other disciplinary actions may be taken as deemed appropriate by the shift supervisor, such as loss of phone privileges, loss of visitation privileges, assignment of extra chores, loss of personal pass and weekend passes, etc.

Admission to Myrover-Reese Fellowship Homes, Inc. is a privilege.  All rules are strictly enforced.

38. I understand that I am allowed on MRFH property as a GUEST solely at the discretion of administrative staff of MRFH. The administrative staff at MRFH may cancel this agreement at their discretion for any reason without notice. If your guest status is terminated the participant must leave the premises immediately. Should the person remain on the property after being notified of their dismissal from the program the individual may be charged with trespassing and forcibly removed by law enforcement.

39. Everything that is donated to the Thrift Store is considered property of MRFH, and unless you have Prior permission and approval from staff at MRFH, it is considered stealing and it is grounds for discharge.

40. You are NOT allowed to have visitors at the Thrift Store at any time.

41. Any extensions of treatment at MRFH must be approved by clinical staff and are NOT guaranteed.

42. Each resident is required to do 12 hours of volunteer time PER WEEK, unless you are working full time. If you are working full time you are required to do 4 hours of volunteer per week. NO EXCUSES. Non-compliance with volunteer time can result in loss of passes, extra chores, write ups, etc.

43. If you discharge from this program and do not take your belongings, you will have 30 days to pick them up, or your belongings will be donated to the Thrift Store and MRFH WILL NOT be responsible for your belongings.

44. You must have proof and documentation of all appointments outside of your treatment schedule and have prior approval from clinical staff to go somewhere that is not during your personal pass times. If staff does not have prior documentation of your appointments, you will not be permitted to go. Please see clinical staff with any questions.

45. If you secure employment while residing in this program and do not have your own transportation, you must meet with clinical staff to set up your means of transportation to and from work. The number for Community Transportation is 910-678-7675. It is your responsibility to call and set up transportation for yourself. Please see clinical staff with any questions or concerns. Bus passes are given on a case by case basis.

46. First 30 Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00PM-9:00PM Your Sponsor or Approved Volunteers may pick you up and take you to an outside meeting/Do Step Work. (Provided you are in Compliance with ALL MRFH Rules and Program Requirements) 

 30-90 Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays and One (1) other night from 6:00PM-9:00PM Your Sponsor or Approved Volunteer may pick you up and take you to an outside meeting/Do Step Work  (Provided you are in Compliance with ALL MRFH Rules and Program Requirements)

90-150 Days: Your Sponsor or Approved Volunteers May pick you up and take you to an outside meeting/Do Step Work FIVE (5) Nights a week. (Provided you are in Compliance with ALL MRFH Rules and Program Requirements)





Myrover-Reese Fellowship Home
560 Wilkes Rd. Fayettevile, NC 28306

Website designed by Minuteman Press Web Design